Is a game that teach math table 0 to 12 for children ages 5 to 99.

- Every level consists of 20 questions.
- ElizabethMath's as 4 different difficulty level that affect the play time and scoring.
- Easy 400 seconds.
- Normal 300 seconds.
- Hard 200 seconds.
- Extreme 100 seconds.
- ElizabethMath's as 5 different choices of operations.
- Addition.
- Subtraction.
- Division.
- Multiplication.
- All Mix.
- After each level the difficulty increase by reducing the game play by 5 seconds.
- ElizabethMath's as a top 10 high score table.
- As help table from 1 to 12 in all operations.
- Also logs the entire game to review error, report can be save to disk or printed.

How to use:
- Select difficulty of choice.
- Select operation you want to try.
- Click start game button "car button"
- Enter your name for high score.
- Start answering the operation as fast as you ca
System requirement:
- .Net framework 4.5.2. The installer will install it if not installed
- Download.
- Double click the ElizabethMathsetup file.
- Enjoy