CopyToFolder and MoveToFolder

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CopyToFolder and MoveToFolder


Post by Superl »

CopyToFolder and MoveToFolder Introduction:
The context menu in Windows XP and Windows Vista is underused by many. But with these additions and edits to the menu, it’ll turn into a powerhouse that you’ll use every day.

Windows Explorer’s right-click context menu is one of the most basic of all Windows XP and Windows Vista tools. It provides many shortcuts for whenever you want to take action on a file or a folder. But the right-click menu is missing several basic options, such as the ability to choose the folder where you want to move or copy the chosen file. And when you install new applications, they have a nasty habit of adding their own options that you’ll rarely use in the right-click menu. The end result: a right-click context menu cluttered with options and lacking several basic useful ones.

But you can extend the power of the menu with these two hacks. Add “Copy To Folder” and “Move To Folder” Context Menu Options I spend a lot of time copying and moving files between folders. More often than not, when I click a file in Explorer, I want to copy or move it to another folder. That means I spend a good deal of time dragging files around or copying and pasting them. But with a Registry hack, you can save yourself time: you can add Copy To Folder and Move To Folder options to the right-click context menu. When you choose one of the options from the menu, you browse to any place on your hard disk to copy or move the file to, and then send the file there.

How to:
  1. Just copy and paste that code in note pad then save it as .reg.
  2. Double click that created file and accept the entrance to the registry and your done

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To]

(287 Bytes) Downloaded 1760 times

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